
Monday, October 02, 2006

The newest knitblog trend

So I've seen Random Wednesdays, WIP Fridays... how about Delusional Saturdays? Because I laughed as I read your comments then went back and re-read my post. That list is what happens when Knittybaby falls asleep in my lap and I start thinking and typing, and thinking and typing. Totally delusional thinking, because the reality is that we also have fingerpainting to do, stories to make up, dances to create, hikes to take, supper to make, laundry to do and lots and lots of nursing and cuddling. Then there is bedtime, which takes about 15 hours (okay, just seems to). Then in the wee hours of the night, there is the knitting. So realistically, here's what will hopefully be done:

1. One pair of socks
2. Mittens for Little Man (but they will be EZ mittens!)
3. Squares for the heart blankie
4. Christmas sweaters for the boys (before I start sounding too ambitious again, these will be Yarn Girls sweaters. Size 15's, baby!)

Maybe, just maybe, the Simple Knitted Bodice will be cast on. If I at least cast on there is the hope that someday it will be mine. I have my hopes pinned on this:

This is the Amby Baby Hammock, purchased just before the baptism. We've had mixed success so far. Knittybaby is just not a good daytime sleeper, period. We do a lot of lap napping, sling napping, cat napping. He has napped for over an hour at a time in his hammock so far, so there is promise that it will turn out to be a good investment. It's cozy, it's got motion... what's not to love if you're a sleepy baby?

Speaking of sleep, I need to go get some, but I have to share the latest Little Man commentary. We always tell knock-knock jokes when I'm pushing him on the swing. (Know any good ones? Mine are terrible) However, he thinks they're pretty darn funny, and here's what he says when I tell a rollin' on the floor funny one:

"Mom? That really sucks me out!" (said after he stops laughing)


I love the stuff three year olds come up with.
