
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Out of reach...

I wanted to take pictures of all the lovely yarn that came home with me this weekend, but Knittybaby is in one of his "I will only sleep on your lap" moods which means all the goodies are out of reach. So I'll give you the verbal now and a heap of photos in a day or two.

We made it to No-Coast Craftorama on Saturday with my Urban Farmgirl pals. Knittybaby had to join me after only an hour on my own, which made shopping a challenge as the place was seriously packed, but man, the stuff was amazing. I picked up three skeins of yarn from Aisha Celia, who is an incredible spinner. I picked up a few odds and ends as gifts, a silkscreened t-shirt for Knittybaby, and a lovely wool skirt for myself. Also a candle from my neighbor down the street (she makes them in her basement and they are wonderful). It was tough to not buy more, but at least I got a bunch of new ideas to try out, because I'm bored and really need more crafts to try. (Was that a sniker I just heard?)

After No-Coast I picked up Little Man and the three of us headed over to the City of Lakes Waldorf School holiday festival to see my friend Annik's stash of Lemonade Bags for sale. If you're still looking for gifts, she'd be one to buy from. Her bags are gorgeous, well made, and she's a great person. She has them for sale on her site.

The festival was fun. Little Man picked out a little silver dragon, we heard some storytelling and checked out some more cool artists. He was so tired he was asleep by 6:00, which meant that as long as Knittybaby slept I had knitting time. I'm happy to report that aside from sewing in ends and blocking, the Christmas sweaters are done!

Today we went and cut our tree, but got no decorating done as all four sets of tree lights were not working. I also made it to Borealis Yarns to use up a coupon before it expired. I'll show you what I got as soon as I have a minute to take pictures.

Finally, if you haven't had a chance to listen to The Creative Mom Podcast, be sure to check it out. I was so surprised and happy to see that we got a mention on Episode 24! I've really been enjoying this podcast; Amy does a wonderful job.
