
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another contest

Another contest, this time by Kat: five places you've knit other than home or a knitting store. See if you can guess the theme...

1. Walking up and down, up and down the flightline at EAA's Airventure.
2. In the hayfield behind my in-law's farm, watching Hubby and Little Man fly model airplanes.
3. At our campsite at Airventure. (We go every year, by the way).
4. At numerous small airports, watching airplanes with Hubby and Little Man.
5. Not to be too theme oriented, at parent-teacher conferences, while waiting for parents to talk to me. Since no one usually talks to the music teacher, I tend to get a lot done.

Did you figure it out? Hubby loves airplanes (small aircraft and homebuilts) as much as I love knitting. While I find airplanes interesting , I can only look at them for about 20 minutes before I start to get figetity. Having knitting means we are both happy.

Moving on from the contest, Knittybaby is one month old today!!! I forgot to say thanks before to those who left me notes of congratulations, I appreciated it. I can hardly believe it's been a month. He already has changed so much already, and is starting to have more awake time now, which is fun. I'm starting to feel a little more settled in. Thank goodness for all the friends who have brought us meals, and that the weather has been beautiful so Little Man can play outside. Spring is a great time to have a baby!

Also, thanks for the SP8 advice. I think I'm going to give it a try!!
