
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

oh so slow.....

Okay, so this blog is getting started at an incredibly slow pace. I got my name up, right? Listed a few projects, and then......I'm asking myself how a working mama of a toddler who can barely find time to knit can also find time for a blog, but, I see all the beautiful pictures of everyone's work and think, I want to share!!!! I want a stash list! I want those little ___ % complete signs! So we'll se how long it takes me to get to that point.

Main problem and hold up number one is, NO DIGITAL CAMERA! This is a major debatable point in our house right now. I had a cheapo35mm, that my little man took over for himself (it took crappy pictures anyway). Then DH has a So Fancy I Can Barely Work It 35mm, that has a mysterious aliment that prevents us from taking any pictures. My point, let's just get a digital camera! His point, like with any new technology, is that he is sure that as soon as we buy one, some sort of new model camera will come out that is way better than ours, and we'll be stuck with thie old one. He insists if we just wait a little longer.....Personally, I'm ready to go buy one tomorrow, but we've got to compromise sometimes, right:-) I give it about another month. In the meantime, if going to pick up one of those little disposable/digital print cameras so I can show off my work. So soon, folks, pics will be up soon!

WIP: I've been sidelined by a baby shower. So add some tiny baby socks and the Cotton Hat from "Last minute Knitted Gifts" to my line-up. This should be a quick project, right? Well, the fist sock turned out too big and in a color combination that I know my SIL would not like. So I started again and got one more sock in green and white finished. I took a break and moved on to the hat, in 1824 cotton, off white. I have had to recast on about FIVE TIMES already. I just can not get used to this yarn. It's so soft but I'm finding it very uncooperative and my stiches are very uneven.

So, I was frustrated and cast on the lacy scarf from "The little Box of Scarves" in a beautiful lavendar ribbon from Knit one Crochet One along with Crystal Palace kid merino in white. I got halfway done last night and would have stayed up tp finish, but Little Man woke up and needed some mama time, so to bed I went. Such is the life of a knitting mama! :-)
